Understanding Emotions: Feeling Them Without Claiming Them

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your emotions, like they're taking over your life? Maybe it’s the frustration from an argument that keeps replaying in your mind, or perhaps it’s the stress of juggling too many responsibilities at once.

You might feel like you’re drowning in your emotions, unsure how to separate yourself from them. I get it—you’re not alone. Many of us, especially busy women navigating entrepreneurship, relationships, and personal growth, struggle with the weight of our emotions. The constant bombardment can leave us feeling powerless.

Imagine this: You’ve had a stressful day at work. A client meeting didn’t go as planned, your inbox is overflowing, and you feel like you’re running on fumes. When you finally get home, you plan to unwind, but instead, the frustration bubbles up. You snap at your partner for something small. Now, guilt adds to the frustration. You sit down, head spinning with thoughts—why did this...

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